Falling for North Carolina’s Mountains

A trip to the North Carolina mountains is a perfect respite from the daily stress of classes and the life of being an international student. Fall leaves, fresh air, and wide open spaces –what could be more relaxing? Of course, though, New Mind is always striving to provide students with immersive cultural, learning, and growing experiences, even when they are relaxing. Our fall trip was no different.


Immerse: Black Mountains

For the fourth year, we stayed in a location in the center of Black Mountain, with nothing but woods, mountain valleys, and a lake surrounding it. Being accustomed to city-living, students went beyond their comfort zones by immersing themselves in sunrise hikes -- with surprise black bear and wild turkey sightings -- as well a steep hike along the surrounding mountain trails. Students showed bravery, curiosity, and a healthy dose of caution when coming across wildlife. For most, it was the first time seeing a bear in person, and even more so outside the confines of a zoo.

Hiking Black Mountain Trails

Hello, Black Bear!

As part of our time in nature, students also enjoyed a traditional campfire on the property, with hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, and s’mores, all over a crackling fire. They told stories, played games, and sang songs into the night air. Although it was, unfortunately, too overcast to enjoy the October full moon (Hunter’s Moon), we certainly feasted and enjoyed the bonding experience across multiple campuses and age groups. Luckily, the bears did not join us in our celebrations!  


Adventure: White Water Rafting

White water rafting on the Saluda river was perfect for stretching in ways that had the students thinking about perseverance, triumph over challenges, and independence. As each student piloted their kayak over class 1 and 2 rapids, they experienced first hand the joys and pains of defeat. Joys certainly when they floated successfully over the rocks, but also defeat when they tumbled out of their boats into the cold water. When anyone fell, others came to their rescue, helping to stop a runaway kayak, carry a wet student to shore, or even fish a lost sandal from the river. While laughing, taking too many pictures, and supporting each other, the students practiced communication, independence, the value of a growth mindset, and how to be fully engaged (and more than a little wet) in a new learning experience.

            Who knew so much learning could happen while having a great time?

Explore: Downtown Asheville

With each of our New Mind Education trips, we build in a balance of structured educational activities as well as lightly guided independent exploration. Students were provided with electronic guides, maps, and historical points of interest of downtown Asheville, and were encouraged to explore the city based on their individual interests. Given the bright sunshine and unusually warm October day, it was the perfect time to scout out new eateries, local art, shop, and enjoy the live music at Pack Square Park. Once everyone reconvened, we shared the sights we saw and showed off spoils from the day. Some explored Asheville’s sustainable architecture, seeking out Leadership in Energy and Design (LEED) certified buildings, while others bought crafts from local artisans, and others went on an adventure to find (as close to authentic as possible) tastes from home in a foreign city. Regardless of where their interest brought them, many of the students were able to practice independence in a new city for the first time since beginning their study abroad adventure.

At the end of our trip to the North Carolina mountains, we received one final farewell from our black bears, as we drove down the winding roads from Black Mountain. We like to think of it as a sign encouraging our students to continue pursuing their paths as international students with courage, confidence, and leadership, much as they had shown throughout our fall trip.