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FAQ: UPP Pre-Arrival Program



1. What is the Pre-Arrival Program?

The Pre-Arrival Program is an online 2-week intensive program is designed to successfully transition international students to studying and living in the United States.

It consists of two foundation courses and one-on-one advising sessions with the option to take courses in special topics to meet individual interests and needs for an additional fee. Students take the program in the comfort of their homes BEFORE arriving in the United States.  

Both foundation courses meets for a total of 10 hours per week, with an additional 5 hours of individual advising, resulting in 25 contact hours over the course of the program.

2. What are the objectives of the Pre-Arrival Program?

  • Understand the process of adjusting to a new culture and develop strategies in order to better adapt to the challenges of living in a foreign environment

  • Understand academic expectations in the US and how they differ from those in the home country.

  • Transition from academic, social, and psychological dependence on others to independence through guided support, engagement, and reflection

  • Become familiar with immigration requirements to maintain one’s F-1 student visa and demonstrate satisfactory academic progress

  • Achieve a basic understanding of common legal situations that students will face regarding immigration, employment and signing contracts

  • Increase knowledge of self by exploring and reflecting on interests, values, habits, preferences, and goals

  • Explore the selection of majors by using knowledge of self, culture, and by using university and family resources.

3. What population is the Pre-Arrival program designed for?

The Pre-Arrival Program is designed for international students who have already received an offer of admission to ANY US university.  While primarily targeted to incoming undergraduate students, the information and skills presented in the program will also be of value to graduate students as well, especially for those who received their undergraduate degree from a university where English was not the medium of instruction.

4. What kind of topics are covered in the foundation courses?

Essentials for Success in the U.S.

Academic Expectations

Course Registration

Immunizations & Health

Housing, Meal Plans, Transportation

Understanding university communications

Essentials for Immigration and Legal Matters

Understanding immigration documents

Student employment options

Maintaining immigration status

Basics of legal contracts

Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress

5. When is the Pre-Arrival Program offered and how much is it?

Session 1 : June 20-July 1, 2022

Session 2: July 11- July 22, 2022

Session 3: August 1-August 12, 2022

$2500  (Two Foundation Courses and Advising)

$850 (add on optional special topics courses)

6. How is the Pre-Arrival program different from other pre-arrival programs?

The Pre-Arrival Program addresses the unique needs of incoming international students to ensure a successful start to their studies and living abroad. One on one advising sessions address individual needs by giving students the tools not only to adapt to US culture but also to learn more about themselves as individuals.

The Pre-Arrival Program has four primary goals:

  1. Guide students through university on-boarding processes and requirements to establish a foundation for university study

  2. Develop a general cross-cultural understanding of academic and social differences between the US and the home country for successful study abroad experiences

  3. Explore attributes necessary for university success with an emphasis on problem solving skills

  4. Prepare for one’s university major and explore future career options

7. Who can I contact for more information?

Karin Sandler | (university contact)

Program Staff |


1. Who is New Mind Education?

New Mind Education is an accredited post-secondary education institution based in Raleigh, Durham, and Greensboro, North Carolina. 

We partner with leading universities to help first-year international students make successful culture, academic, and language transitions.  New Mind’s flagship University Performance Program (UPP) is anchored in a research-informed curriculum and 1-on-1 advising, supporting partner universities’ mission to achieve holistic student success.

2. What are New Mind's qualifications and expertise in international education?

New Mind has been in operation since 2010 and was founded by Michael Chen, who has managed businesses in North America, Europe and East Asia, giving him keen insight into cross-cultural collaboration. As a graduate of UNC - Chapel Hill and NC State, Mr. Chen is deeply committed to the value of education and meeting the needs of international students where they are in order to inspire and cultivate global talent.

New Mind Education is accredited by Cognia (formerly AdvancED).

3. How successful is New Mind in meeting the needs of its students?

1200+ Students Served

97% 1st Yr. Retention Rate (NC State)

3.62 Avg. 1st Yr. GPA (NC State)

4. With which universities does New Mind currently have partnerships?

NC State University, UNC Greensboro, UNC Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University, Duke University, UMASS Dartmouth, and the SUNY system.


1. How is the Pre-Arrival Program different from the pre-arrival services in UPP?

There are two major differences.

  • The Pre-Arrival Program is a two-week intensive program to guide students through university on-boarding processes and requirements to establish a foundation for university study and living in the United States. Some of these topics are typically covered in extended orientation for UPP students.

  • The pre-arrival services for UPP students are designed for the specific campus they will be attending - either NC State, UNCG, or Wake Forest. You will receive information about university resources, offices, and specific policies as a participant of regular UPP.  This location-specific information is NOT contained in the Pre-Arrival Program, which is designed for international students attending a variety of universities across our network.

2. Can the Pre-Arrival Program be substituted for UPP?

The Pre-Arrival Program is VERY different from UPP in terms of its design, length, and purpose.  

UPP is a one-year program designed to support students throughout their first year at a North Carolina university, currently NC State, UNCG, and Wake Forest.  

The Pre-Arrival Program is a two-week program designed to support students in their transition to ANY American university. UPP provides extensive onboarding assistance, weekly advising, and a variety of cultural and educational opportunities in addition to connecting students with campus resources, assistance, and key staff.

Because of its short length, the Pre-Arrival Program is designed to help students hit the ground running as they begin their credit-bearing courses.  It is impossible to duplicate the breadth and depth of content and support of the UPP into a two-week period.


1. 参加这个项目我能收益什么呢?

UPP先行计划将让你在在全方位做好准备并建立充分的自信,在领略大学生活和探索跨文化差异的同时,加强语言技巧。无论是书面或是不成文的高校标准,我们都会和你一同解读,让你系统系了解在课堂内外的一些特定情况下,对学生的具体要求究竟是什么。 我们将建立一套完整的“工具”,帮助你在大学课堂和日常生活中的互动中打好基础。

2. 我英语能力很好,为什么我还要参加这个项目呢?

大多数中国高中并没有教授足够在新的国家生活所必需的实用英语交流技能,因为他们大都更注重学术语言技能。  此外,大多数中国学生鲜少有足够的机会在以英语为主要交流语言的生活环境中应用语言技能。 因此,许多学生在与教授、顾问和同学接触时尝尝感到不知所措和不自在,从而使得大学生涯的开始阶段处于真正的劣势。

中国学生经常反映说,他们在自发、即兴的口语交流方面有困难,特别是在课堂或小组讨论中。中国学生时常会遇到分享意见或想法的特殊挑战——当他们的意见或想法与同学相左时。而这些学生很快意识到,高中的标化考试成绩并不足以让他们能够快速适应美国高校生活。更甚,学生会感到沮丧,因为没有人告诉他们需要提前掌握互动和积极参与的 "规则"。 UPP先行计划不仅会传授学生这些心照不宣的规则,还会设计情景,让学生亲身探索、实践课堂内外会遇到的各种典型情况。


1. 这个项目如何让我的孩子受益?

由于中国和美国的教育体系有明显差异,对于中国学生来说,在到达校园之前,首先要明确困难和挑战到底在哪里。在美国高校,许多对学生的期望是不言而喻的。 例如,在美国文化中,在课堂上敢于提问是考量学生参与课堂的重要考量,而太安静的学生会被认为不如同龄人聪明、能力差。但除非这样的信息直接传递给中国学生,否则他们与美国同龄人相比将处于劣势。

此外,在强调阅读、语法和标化考试的中国高中,实际的交流需求很少得到实践和应用。 因此,许多中国学生对自己在课堂内外顺利地与他人进行功能性沟通的能力缺乏信心(如寻求帮助、澄清观点、参与小组讨论、与教授交谈、写电子邮件、处理冲突等)。



2. 我的孩子已经在托福或雅思考试中取得了很好的成绩,为什么还要参加这个项目?


该项目所教授的语言技能是大多数中国高中或英语项目所不具备的,通常这些项目更强调学术技能。  在UPP先行计划中,学生将获得实际交流的实用性技能。例如,学生将学习如何在课堂上顺利、有效地与教授沟通,如何深度参与小组讨论,如何在双方意见不一致时与对方协商。因此,即便是托福/雅思成绩很好的学生,我们相信他们也会在这些实用练习中受益匪浅。 



1. 学生在UPP先行计划中受益到什么?

UPP Pre-Arrival Program 旨在帮助学生在抵美前深入了解中美教育体系、学术文化之间的理念差异,并掌握应对技巧以最小化即将面临的挑战。通过针对性的训练留学生活所必需的口语、写作、沟通、思维技巧,学生将塑造好跨文化学习所必备的心态。通过该项目为期三周的系统学习,留学生将知悉美国高校文化对学生设立的 “隐形” 标准,有效提升课内、课外语言水平及各类学术写作能力,建立自信,从而积极迎接未来的挑战和崭新的生活。

2. 为何要将UPP先行计划推荐给我们毕业学生呢?


3. 有哪些美国大学推荐这个项目呢?怎么合作推出?



Student registration will open May 1, 2022
