
Did You Know?

Chinese students expect that having good grades and a good GPA is enough to get them a good job or internship.

Before college, Chinese students may have only been evaluated based on grades and scores and did not have to focus on areas such as skills and job experience.

Chinese culture highly values education and in traditional Chinese culture, education is thought to enhance a person’s worth and career.

How Can You Help?

Many Chinese students think that if they have good grades and a good GPA, they have all of the qualifications they need to get a good job or internship.

Oftentimes, US employers look for specific skills and experiences in applicants when evaluating job applications. This is one of the reasons why Chinese students may find it more challenging to get a job or an internship in the US.

It is important that US employers effectively communicate what they are looking for in a potential employee and for Chinese students to understand the skills and experiences needed in order to be a good candidate for a job they are applying for.


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